Examine Conserve Water and Energy in the Bathroom - Easy Tips to Save You Money! a lot more

There are many simple things you can do in your bathroom that will help you save money and conserve energy. Most cost little money to do and will pay you back in years of savings on your electric and water bills. Here's a short list to get you started.

1. Take showers instead of baths and limit your shower time to 10 minutes or less whenever possible.

2. Install low flow shower heads. They can be picked up at any home improvement store (for $20 or less) and work by infusing more oxygen into the water so the pressure is higher while using less water.

3. If you have an older toilet either replace it with a low gallon flushing toilet OR displace water in the reservoir tank with a few bricks or by filling a 1/2 gallon milk jug with water and placing it in the tank. This will save you 1/2 to 3/4 gallon of water every time you flush your toilet.

4. Don't use your toilet as a trash can. Put q tips, dental floss, old hair from your brush and the like into the trash can. These can clog your pipes and reduce the efficiency of the your toilet.

5. Don't run the water from your sink while brushing your teeth. Also, don't brush your teeth in the shower thinking your conserving water. Your not. Brushing your teeth for 1 - 2 minutes with the water running is just wasting gallons of water and pointless. Wet your toothbrush under the faucet and then turn it off while brushing.

6. Replace your bathroom light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs where possible. The CFL bulbs cost more initially but they use 75% less energy than standard bulbs and last up to ten times longer, which can save you up to $25 in electricity over the life of the CFL bulb. We have had CFL bulbs in our bathroom for over two years and haven't had to replace one yet.

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Conserve Water and Energy in the Bathroom - Easy Tips to Save You Money!