Bathroom Vanities
Bathroom SinksThe best bathroom vanity setups are more than just a cabinet with a sink. A bathroom vanity has many components including the cabinets, the counter tops, the mirror, medicine cabinets, lighting, and possibly seating. You need to consider the entire bathroom vanity unit when planning your bathroom. Women especially, spend a lot of time in the bathroom grooming and preparing themselves for the day and to go to bed at night. You want your bathroom vanity set up to have all the right storage, convenience, lighting and comfort so that these daily routines are not a chore but a joy.
The first thing to decide on is the size of your bathroom vanity. Most people will take an entire wall of the bathroom if that is possible. Once you know the size you can pick out the cabinets you will use to fit in the space provided. You can get bathroom vanity cabinets custom made to fit in a particular space if nothing standard will work. If your vanity space is large enough then you need to decide between one or two sinks. Most couples will prefer two sinks so that they can each use the bathroom sink at their leisure. When you have decided on the type of bathroom sink you like, you can pick out the counter tops. You need to choose the sinks first because certain types of sinks are mounted in such a way as to show the sides of the counter top. If this is the case, you need to have counters with finished sides. Also, you will need to cut the hole for your sink so it is best to have those dimensions before you order so that you can have the manufacturer make this cut for you.
One very important feature for any bathroom vanity is the mirror. You can get mirrors cut to any size and shape you desire so the sky is the limit. It is most common in a large master bathroom to have the mirror cover the wall behind your vanity so that it is as large as possible. In smaller bathroom, oval shaped or rectangular mirrors are common. The main criteria is that a person can easily see themselves when standing in front of the vanity. Larger mirrors like the ones than cover the entire wall are mostly just for show and not really necessary. Some vanities have medicine cabinets behind them or small medicine cabinets off to the side with a smaller mirror on the front. If the medicine cabinet mirror is not your main vanity mirror then you can make it a magnifying mirror to help with the application of makeup or putting in contacts, etc.
Lighting is very important for your bathroom vanity setup. You want to make sure the room is well lit so that when you are getting ready you can see yourself as clearly as possible. My master bathroom vanity has globe lights all along the top like in a makeup chair on a movie set so that it is very bright right by the mirror. These lights will even light the rest of the bathroom, but there is additional overhead lighting for that purpose. It is best not to shine spot lights toward your bathroom vanity and mirror because they can cause a glare.
There is a lot to think about when picking out your bathroom vanity set so do not rush the process. You want to make sure that you will be comfortable in the space and that there will be enough storage to meet your needs.
Cindy has recently remodeled her bathroom and the bathroom vanity is the centerpiece. A vanity fixture is one of the most important pieces of bathroom furniture, so Cindy hopes this article helps.