Examine Cleaning Bathroom Grout a lot more

Cleaning Bathroom Grout


Grout is the cement in between the tiles in your bathroom. Grout is found in the high-use, tiled, areas of your bathroom including in the shower, around the bathtub and on the bathroom floor. For hygiene reasons, as well as for the good-looks of your bathroom, it is incredibly important to keep it clean. Here's some great tips to make cleaning bathroom grout as easy and quick as possible.

What causes discolored and dirty grout?
One of the biggest culprits of dirty grout is mold. Mold multiplies in locations with that are frequently damp and wet. Your bathroom is, of course, one of these areas. Your bathroom grout soaks up lots of the moisture in the air and in not time develops mold and mildew, especially if it remains wet or is not cleaned very often. Whether you clean your grout often, or not, there are a couple of cleaning products that will be lying around your house that you can use to get mold, dirt and scum out of dirty grout and tile areas.

Cleaning Bathroom Grout
The following is one of the best methods for cleaning bathroom grout. It is easy and fast.

First, to prepare, ensure you give your bathroom proper ventilation. Leave doors and windows open as much as possible. Also, turn on your exhaust fan. Good ventilation will maximize your cleaning potential since it will let the bathroom dry out as fast as possible when you are done.

To clean your grout, combine one tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of bicarb soda as well as one half cup of drinking water. Mix the ingredients until they form a thick paste. Spread the mixture onto the dirty bathroom grout areas and let it soak in for about twenty minutes. Finally scrub the grout using a toothbrush, grout brush, or other moderately abrasive, soft brush.

This method requires elbow grease, but the baking soda and lemon juice combine to make a powerful, yet safe chemical that should be a great help in getting rid of dirt, soap, scum, mold and mildew.

How To Prevent Further Dirtiness
After you've finished cleaning your bathroom grout you can help make your job easier next time by putting on a "grout sealer". You only need to do this occasionally, say once a year, but it should help prevent further build up of mold, providing you regularly clean your grout and tiles afterwards.

Do you need more information on cleaning bathroom grout, or other bathroom cleaning? Visit www.bathroom-cleaning.com. You'll find heaps more information including how to easily clean toilets.